The Little Library That Could – Did!

“The Little Library That Could”—Did! “The Little Library That Could” has more than lived up to its moniker – the La Conner Swinomish Library stands open, designed and built as a place for discovery, connection, and inspiration, with books, space, and programs for all in our diverse community. On October 14, 2023, over 100 people came together to dedicate the building and celebrate the incredible achievement of bringing the vision that had been close to the hearts of many to reality. Individuals gathered from the Swinomish Tribe, the La Conner Schools, the County and State government, the business community, the farming community, the arts community, and the maritime community. It was an afternoon of honoring all who helped bring the new library into existence, and the time was filled with excitement, inspiring speeches, and a resounding feel of “we did it!”

The dedication began with a blessing by the Canoe Family Singers, followed by words of welcome from Janie Beasley of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, in both Lushootseed and English. Speeches of gratitude were given by Susan Macek, Chair of the library Board of Trustees; Sara Jones, the Washington State Library Director; District 10 Representative Dave Paul; Skagit County Commissioner Ron Wesen; Senator Brian Wilbur, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community; Ramon Hayes, Mayor of the town of La Conner; B.J. Carol of the Friends of the La Conner Swinomish Library; Matt Aalfs, Principal of BuildingWork; and Jean Markert, La Conner Swinomish Library Director. To round out the event, many enjoyed a self-guided tour and videos that highlighted the Story Pole carved by Kevin Paul, students from the La Conner Middle School carrying books from the old library to the new, and a timelapse of the library construction. It was an afternoon of conversation, laughter, applause, and gratitude – an afternoon of community. “The Little Library That Could” is ready for you, is here for you, and the celebration continues. For truly, we did it!